Neptune Water

Planet-Saving Sips with Neptune

Neptune Water Botal
Neptune Water

Planet-Saving Sips with Neptune

About us

At Neptune Spring Water, our mission is to combat the environmental challenges posed by plastic water bottles. Despite the staggering global consumption of 481.6 billion plastic water bottles in a single year, carton packaging is a more sustainable and eco-friendly alternative. Join us in our commitment to reduce plastic waste and make a positive impact on the environment, one carton at a time.

Natural Spring Water


Irish Spring Water

Pure local alkaline (pH7.9) spring water filled at source

Plant-Based Carton & Cap

Lightweight carton and a sugarcane cap made from renewable and sustainable materials from responsibly managed forests

Lower C02 Footprint

Cartons are efficiently sent in rolls to be filled, so have lower transport linked carbon footprint than cans & bottles

Safely Refillable

Carton Water have a large spout and screw cap making them easy to re-fill, reuse and reduce single use

Saves Space

Carton Water can be easily flattened to it's original shape, taking up less space in the recycling bin

Entirely Recyclable

Carton Water is recyclable, including the cap. To see how, visit: